Monday, 16 December 2013

Week 2 of FYP 1

Date: 17/09/2013 (Tuesday)
Title: Selecting a supervisor

- Meets with the lecturer who had taught me the technical subject previously named Dr.Ahmad Sabry Mohamad.

-  After some discussion with him, he agreed to take me as one of his Final Year Project students.

- I also discussed with the supervisor on how to get the idea for my project title. Dr.Sabry has suggested a few project titles to be considered for my FYP.
- I have decided to make some research regarding the suggested projects.

Date: 21 – 22/09/2013 (Friday to Sunday)
Title: Surveying Topics

- From the meeting I have obtained several project titles that were suggested by my advisor.

- As students may choose to either select the title proposed by the FYP supervisors or propose a project of their own interest, I have made a further research on the suggested titles and other project titles.

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